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Showing posts from November, 2008

About Subsidized Fertilizer Scarcity

Scarcity of subsidized fertilizer is becoming major issues in Indonesia. Many farmers experiencing difficulties finding subsidized fertilizer such as Urea in the market. Scarcity enables contagious effect to food supply especially important agriculture product such as rice. Agriculture is one of the strategic sector in Indonesia. Most of Indonesian villagers are farmers besides the fact that most of Indonesians eat rice almost every day. The needs of agricultural product is as important as the need of its supporting materials. One of the main supporting materials is fertilizer. In order to prevent farmers, government implemented subsidy regime into agricultural sector. Much of strategic components which support the development of agricultural sector are subsidized by government, including fertilizer. There are some regulation also which regulate the distribution of subsidized fertilizer in order to ensure subsidized fertilizer are well distributed to the farmers. Here are several point...

Lessons Learned from APEC Training Program

Few days ago, APEC in coorporation with Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) and Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha (KPPU) helds APEC Training on Competition Policy. This event took place in Sanur Paradise Hotel & Resort, Bali and attended by representatives of several competition policy agency from Rusia, Japan, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Taiwan, Singapore, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, and Chinese Taipei. Here are discussion pointer: there are two kind of definition regarding industrial policy which are narrow and broad definition. the narrow definition of industrial policy is policy to promote the economic interests of a particular domestic industry or firm, SOE or private, by providing protection from competition, preferential access to factors of production or to a market for its product or services. otherwise, the broad definition is all the previous policies but to include wider social or infrastructure investment to promote economic development and the welfare of a firm or indu...

Do Trade Helps or Kills

menarik ulasan mas Ferizal Ramli di milis tetangga mengenai siapa yang akan hancur akibat adanya krisis global belakangan ini. Tidak dipungkiri bahwa akibat dari semakin terintegrasinya sistem keuangan global akan menyebabkan dampak contagion dari krisis di suatu negara akan berpengaruh cukup besar bagi negara lain apalagi jika tingkat ketergantungan ekonomi terhadap negara tersebut tinggi. Yah, kapitalisme mereka adalah kapitalisme menggelembung. Sekarang gelembung nanah itu pecah maka mereka ikut rontok lah. UK dalam banyak hal mirip Amrik meskipun ndak sepenuhnya sama. UK masih pake Keynes. Jadi, UK juga ikut rontok meskipun ndak separah Amrik. Tapi karena resources UK tidak sekuat Amrik maka tetap saja ekonomi UK jebol parah... Ada poin penting yang dilontarkan mas Ferizal lagi Hanya jika dampak sekundernya, iya Uni Eropa terkena. Kebanyakan negara Uni Eropa itu ekonominya mengandalkan kekuatan ekspor. Nah, akibat krisis keuangan ini daya beli dunia turun. Akibatnya, pemasukan eksp...