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Showing posts from December, 2008

Indonesia Economic Outlook 2009

Di tengah badai krisis finansial dunia belakangan ini, masyarakat ekonomi dunia akan kembali merenung tentang apa yang telah kita semua perbuat sehingga akibatnya seperti apa yang saat ini dirasakan. Saat ini ekonomi dunia telah mencari keseimbangan baru dengan mencari koreksi atas kebebasan pasar yang selama beberapa dekade ini diagung-agungkan. Hal ini ditandai dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia yang semakin melambat, pergerakan harga energi yang semakin mahal dan berbagai fenomena lain yang mengawalinya. Koreksi atas perekonomian dunia pada tahun 2008 ditandai dengan krisis keuangan yang dimulai dari negara lokomotif perekonomian dunia yaitu AS. Krisis mortgage di AS diperparah oleh kondisi fundamental ekonomi AS yang mengalami defisit di berbagai lini seperti neraca perdagangan, anggaran, dan konsumsi. Depresiasi mata uang mewabah, cadangan devisa terkuras, IHSG jatuh, ditambah lagi dengan tingkat suku bunga dan inflasi yang semakin tinggi telah menyebabkan perekonomian Indonesia sed...

Defining Relevant Market to Assess Antritrust Principle

Law No. 5 Year 1999 had eight years in implementation. Law titled 'Prohibition of Monopoly Practices and the Unfair Business Competition' has given its enforcement authority to agencies called Commission for Supervisory of Business Competition (KPPU) to carry its mandate. In other countries such as the United States, KPPU similar to US Fair Trade Commission (US FTC). In Japan there are also similar institutions, namely Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC). Although its name has slightly different context with KPPU (fair trade vs competition supervision), but these institutions have more or less similar tasks. In accordance with the mandate of the Law, KPPU conduct competition law enforcement to create fairness in business competition. The question is, why competition has to be supervised? Economy grown so fast. Every business actor facing tighter competition. Therefore, business strategy are needed to ensure company able to survive from competition. However, in antitrust principl...

For ASEAN Dispute Settlement Body?

I've quite surprised when my colleague from Ministry of Trade told me last night that ASEAN would sounds ASEAN Dispute Settlement Body, similar with WTO's. So, what's the implication to Indonesian Anti Monopoly Law No. 5/1999? Although it still only 'issue' but i am sure there are some implications to Indonesian Fair Competition Authority. Nowadays, if there are some dispute regarding antitrust cases, refer to its jurisdiction rules. But if ASEAN DSB established, if there some dispute regarding antitrust case, DSB could review each law of its member and DSB has authority to revoke the Law although the Decision from Supreme Court could not be revoked or canceled. I am sure its far more dangerous if Indonesia does not have strong bargaining position in ASEAN forum.